Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Crisp Green Beans

At our house, we very seldom eat any vegetables that are not fresh.  It sometimes becomes difficult to find good quality fresh vegetables in a small town.  I purchase these baby green beans, aka haricot verts, at Sams.  They are very quick and I will usually blanch the entire bag (they come in 2 bags) and then plunge into cold water, drain and use the next day if desired.
Crisp Green Beans
1 pound green beans (regular or the small French haricot verts)
1 clove garlic, minced
1 T butter
1 T olive oil
Fresh ground pepper
 Bring a large pot of water to boil (add 2 T salt)
Add the beans to the salted boiling water, return to a boil and cook about 3-4 minutes, until crisp tender.
Transfer beans to ice water with a slotted spoon.  When cool, pat dry.
In a large skillet, melt butter and olive oil.  Saute garlic until tender, add green beans and toss till warm.  The beans should be crisp tender.  Add salt and pepper and serve.

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