Friday, September 21, 2012

Walnut Green Beans

Another CIA recipe and so simple and quick, yet delicious.  My first experience with walnut oil and it is very good.  I was worried about finding it, but Kroger has it. Really great flavor

1 1/2 pounds green beans, trimmed
1 1/2 t. walnut oil
2 tsp. minced shallots
1 garlic clove minced
Salt and pepper to taste
3 T walnuts, chopped and toasted
Chives, sliced (optional)

Blanch the green beans in boiling salted water for about 3 minutes till bright green and crisp tender.  Remove from water and place in ice water bath to stop cooking and keep their green color. Drain and set aside.This can be done earlier, even a day or two before.
To serve, heat a large skillet over medium heat: add oil,shallots and garlic. Saute briefly then add green beans.  Season with salt and pepper to taste.
Stir in toasted walnuts and chives and serve.
Note: To toast the walnuts, spread them in a shallow layer in a preheated dry saute pan and toss, shake, or swirl the pan until they are golden brown and aromatic. Transfer to a
cool pan to prevent the nuts from scorching.

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