Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Banana Nut Muffins

I have always used the same banana nut bread recipe, but a friend shared this one and I made a few changes and use it for muffins. 

3          C  Flour                                                                       3          Eggs
2          C  Sugar                                                                      1t.       Cinnamon
1          t.  Soda                                                                        3/4 c.  Coconut Oil
1          t.  Salt                                                                          3/4 c. Vegetable Oil
2 c.      bananas                                                                        1 t.     vanilla
1          C  Chopped nuts                                                        

Combine/sift dry ingredients (Flour, sugar, soda & salt), add chopped nuts and set aside.
Combine remaining ingredients (I use mixer); add to dry mixture, stirring just until moist.
Pour into paper prepared muffin tins.  Bake 375 for 20 minutes. 

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