Monday, March 14, 2011

French Silk Pie

Although, I must credit the Pioneer Woman for acknowledging Pi Day, Hannah being the math member of my family, texted me this morning about it. This is a day set aside by founder Larry Shaw to commemorate ...Pi .  The approximate numeric representation of Pi is 3.14, March 14. Pioneer Woman's recipe today is Key Lime Pie.  Be sure to check her out. She mentioned in her blog that her other favorite is French Silk.  I've not seen her recipe for French Silk, but this one is very easy and quick and DELICIOUS.  If you are hestitant about using uncooked eggs, you can use Egg Beaters.

French Silk Pie
1/2 cup or 1 stick butter, room temperature
3/4 cup sugar
6 T cocoa
2 eggs
2 cups Cool Whip
9" pie shell baked
Cool Whip for Garnish

Cream butter and sugar.  Add cocoa and stir well or slow on electric mixer.  Add eggs beating for 10 minutes on high, scraping after 5 minutes.   Fold in Cool Whip and pour into baked pie shell and chill.  Dollop with Cool Whip

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