Monday, January 3, 2011

The Invisible Chef Salad

This was our "house" salad at the Invisible Chef.  We used spring mix for the greens.  The pecans can be made and stored in the freezer and chop as needed.  I know many people who "dislike" bleu cheese, but this salad is an exception. 

The Invisible Chef "House" Salad


2/3 cup sugar
1 t. dry mustard
1 t. salt
2/3 cup white vinegar
3 T apple cider vinegar
4 ½ t. onion juice
2 T Worcestershire
1 cup salad oil
Mix dry, add vinegars and remainder except oil.  Add oil slowly whisking or mixing with mixer.

Spicy Pecans

2 large egg whites                          2 T paprika                  
1 ½ t. salt                                         1 ½ t. cayenne
¾ cup sugar                                    4 ½ c. pecan halves
2 T Worcestershire                         6 T melted butter
Preheat oven to 325. Beat egg whites and salt till foamy.  Add all except butter and pecans and mix well.  Stir in pecans and melted butter. Spread on large baking sheet and bake 30-40 minutes stirring every 10 minutes.  Remove and cool.  Chop coarsely.  Keep in airtight container in freezer.  Use along with spring mix, apple, green onions, and bleu cheese.


  1. i can't believe you posted this. i didn't think you ever would.

    but it doesn't really matter. because i've made the pecans a million times, and they ARE NEVER like yours. i think you've secretly left something out :)

    just kidding...sort of...

  2. Next time I make them, you can watch. You know I have a hard time using exact measurements.
